Marketers may have moved on from the stereotype of the spotty teenager, but outdated beliefs about gamers mean brands are missing out on a huge opportunity

Most of us have moved on from depicting gamers as spotty teenagers in their dark, musty bedrooms, playing World of Warcraft until the small hours. But are we, as an industry, still turning a blind eye to the enormous growth in gaming and esports around the world?
In the US, 79% of all gamers are over the age of 18. And 15% are older than 55. Gaming tournaments are attracting larger and more engaged audiences than the Super Bowl, yet many brands are still dismissing this area simply because they don’t understand it well enough.
In this session, you’ll learn:
- Why gaming and esports is a sector that you’d be mad to ignore
- How vastly outdated stereotypes are making advertisers appear out of touch
- Which brands are seizing the opportunity of reaching huge audiences
- The creative ideas and strategies behind the campaigns that appeal to gamers
Register for the live session here.