Registreerimise info TULI liikme sektsioonis. Despite vaccines rolling out globally, the pandemic will continue to impact sponsorship through 2021, and likely for at least the two years that follow. In this context, what should marketing and marketing procurement professionals be thinking about as they consider how to manage and leverage their sponsorship investments over the short and mid-term? In this spotlight, our guest speaker Ian Malcolm, President and CEO at Lumency, will provide guidance for what brands should be focusing on and aware of as we move towards a post-pandemic world.

This includes:
- Key influences on sponsorship for 2021, including the rise of ‘local’
- What existing trends in sponsorship have accelerated due to the pandemic
- How to make up for lost value from 2020 and 2021
- What to expect from evolving consumer sentiment around
Veebinar toimub 2. veebruaril kell 15:00.
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