TMW muusikatööstuse konverents

11. mai 2023 - 13. mai 2023

Tallinn Music Week (TMW) kutsub Turundajate Liidu liikmeid osa võtma rahvusvahelisest muusikatööstuse konverentsist 11.-13. mail, mille raames viiakse läbi töötuba “Music In Advertising”, räägitakse uutest trendidest sponsorluses, brändide koostööst ning tehnoloogiliste arengute mõjust muusikaproduktsioonile.


1) Ühepäevane konverentsipass + workshop

Hind:  95 €

Pass tagab sissepääsu neljapäeval 11. mail toimuvale töötoale ja 12. mail toimuvale konverentsiprogrammile Nordic Hotel Forumis

2) PRO pass

Erihind: 150 € (tavahind 175 €)

PRO pass tagab sissepääsu TMW kahepäevasele konverentsile (12.-13. mai), töötubadesse, networkimis-üritustele, digipääsu PRO keskkonda ja eelis-sissepääsu kõikidele muusikafestivali programmi sündmustele 11.-13. mail.

Soodushinna aktiveerimiseks sisesta kood “tuli25” TMW veebipoes

TMW kureeritud programm TULI liikmetele:

Neljapäev, 11. mai

Music Estonia kontor, Telliskivi 60a, Tallinn

The Europe in Synch Academy Workshop: Music in Advertising

A day-long session brings together professionals from the Music Side and the world of advertising to learn about the respective “other side”. Advertising Experts will present insights to their work. The workshop shall enable the participants to truly understand where and how music comes into the picture.


  • The Music Side & The Advertising Side: Structures and Processes

– Rights Owners (Publishers, Labels)

– Agencies, Clients, Production Companies

– Mutual understanding and communication

  • The way of music into a commercial: creation and decisions, opinions and input, the licensing.
  • Supervisors/music agents: the in-betweens

Closed session with limited number of participants.

Active participation required. APPLY HERE:


Francesca Barone, Content Rights Manager @ DOLCE&GABBANA, Sync Licensing and Music Rights Expert

Julian Krohn, Director Music & Audio at Scholz & Friends agency


Markus Linde, Co-founder of Europe in Synch, Founder of thag’s agent

Marii Reimann from Music Estonia

Reede, 12. mai

Nordic Hotel Forum konverentsikeskus


Music in Advertising: Ignorance, knowledge-gaps, challenges and light at the end of the tunnel.

This panel discusses the state of synch in advertising, identifies the challenges and introduces a way towards an optimized Synch-business environment in advertising and also presents the findings of the EinS workshop.


Francesca Barone, Content Rights Manager @ DOLCE&GABBANA, Sync Licensing and Music Rights Expert

Julian Krohn, Director Music & Audio at Scholz & Friends agency

Markus Linde, Co-founder of Europe in Synch, Founder of thag’s agent

In addition, relevant industry experts from Estonia.

Moderated by Sandra Perens from Tier Music Publishing


Trends in sponsorship and brand collaborations market for music

The panel takes a look at the role of corporate collaboration within live entertainment.

Manuel Hubault, Director of Global Brand Partnerships Development of Superstruct Entertainment

Followed by a panel discussion.


Vilja Grotenfelt, Head of Sales and Marketing of Flow Festival

Manuel Hubault, Director of Global Brand Partnerships Development of Superstruct Entertainment

Martin Österberg, Senior Marketing Director of Polestar


Digital Innovation and A.I.


Interview: Ed O’Brien (Radiohead)


HEMI Future of Music Business – How technology is shaping the music industry

The music industry is constantly being shaped by new tech. Today, what are the emerging technologies that are driving massive changes in music? In recent years, music and technology have become irreversibly intertwined, with social media creating superstars and streaming services dethroning music moguls.The industry will surely never be the same, and the effects of technology may be more significant than some realize.

Welcome to a discussion starting from AI algorithms, Blockchain contracts, audiovisual NFT-s to the effect of social networks/apps and virtual reality on new music distribution.


Kristjan Heinmets, Redline, HEMI alumni

Reigo Ahven, Fairmus, HEMI grant winner

Marcelo Garibotto, VIA Music Group, HEMI mentor

Moderator: Yannis Lliopolous, ICMP, The Sound of Everything, HEMI mentor