Euroopa Komisjon kutsub mõjuisikuid Zoomi vahendusel peetavale veebinarile! Veebinar peetakse inglise keeles ning seal antakse ülevaade regulatsioonist, mis kohaldub mõjuisikute tegevusele.
Veebinar toimub 16.10 kell 11.30 ning seal räägitakse näiteks tarbijate õigustest ja reklaamile kehtivatest nõuetest ning antakse näpunäiteid toote ohutuse tuvastamise teemal, müügilepingute sõlmimisest jne. Ühtlasi käsitletakse seal ka media law-d ja iseregulatsiooni.
Euroopa komisjoni kutse inglise keeles
It is our pleasure to invite you to a webinar event, launching the Influencer Legal Hub, taking place online on 16 October 2023. This is a first of its kind initiative developed by the European Commission in collaboration with academic experts.
The Hub aims to provide influencers and content creators, advertisers, marketing and PR agencies, talent agencies and brands who are active in the European Union, with basic guidance on how to comply with EU consumer protection law.The Influencer Legal Hub consists of:
- A video training series with narrated animations that explain how EU consumer protection law applies to influencer activities;
- A dedicated website library containing:
- Legal briefs that provide further context and sources mentioned in the videos;
- Helpful checklists such as best practices for advertising disclosures;
- Further resources such as links to national consumer and media authorities as well as European and national self-regulation organisations.
The webinar will be an essential and informative event for those working in influencer economy and beyond. It will bring together representatives of the European Commission, national enforcement authorities, consumer organisations, academic experts in influencer marketing, journalists, as well as industry representatives, who will present and discuss the Influencer Legal Hub, and address the importance of compliance with EU consumer protection laws.
To register for the webinar please access the following link:
You will receive the webinar programme and Zoom link after your registration.