TULI kuulub Word Federation of Advertisisers võrgustikku ja TULI liikmetel on läbi selle ligipääs maailmatasemel webinaridele.
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Webinar toimub inglise keeles.
An introduction to the offshore market for creative production
The recent pandemic has, for many organisations, provided an opportunity to identify and transform several areas of marketing activity that can now be done remotely while also staying true to their overall company goals and marketing objectives for 2020 and beyond; for many, this may accelerate the trend to explore and progress their offshoring initiatives.
Led by Anil Noorani, Managing Partner, TKM Consultants, this session will offer up to date insights on what to prioritise and consider when deciding on your offshore strategy for creative production, including:
– The primary reasons for offshoring
– Which locations can be the most attractive and why
– Which services may be most suitable for offshoring
– Expectations around market rates
– Onboarding an offshore partner and how to make it work for you
– Possible barriers and risks
– The latest trends and what to expect in the coming months
Loe rohkem TULI ja WFA kohta.
WFA liidab maailma suurimaid kaubamärke ja riiklikke reklaamiühendusi, koondades kohalikul tasandil kümneid tuhandeid brände. See moodustab ülemaailmse võrgustiku, mis pakub ainulaadset teadmiste- ja inspiratsiooniallikat. TULI kuulumine tagab selle, et WFA on nüüdsest kursis siinsete turundajate probleemide ja väljakutsetega. Teisalt jõuab TULI-ni nüüd oluline info rahvusvaheliste muutuste ja trendide kohta.