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Join Mark Gallagher (EVP Global Investment) at Omnicom Media Group as we dig into media pricing trends in the second half of 2020.
WFA’s Outlook is the industry’s reference point for global annual media cost inflation and deflation. Outlook has not yet been updated to reflect the radical destabilisation the media markets have experienced as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. We’re working on it. In the meantime we recently compiled perspectives on pricing from across the industry.
Now, as the picture becomes clearer, we’d like to run a series of webinars from our inflation data contributors, so they can outline their thinking for the remainder of the year.
This webinar will last 60 minutes including Q&A.
This webinar is for WFA Members only. Please register with your company e-mail address, if you would like to receive the webinar recording and follow-up.