Trends and insights around remuneration models, commercial contracts and auditing outcomes, with a focus on influencer marketing, PR and social.

The session is designed to give you hints and tips into greater governance and compliance with agencies in the ever-evolving social eco system giving you more effective financial management.
Join Tony Whittingstall (Senior Partner) and Jane Dormer (Client Services Director) from Media Marketing Compliance (MMC) to take a closer look at trends and insights into remuneration models, commercial contracts, and auditing outcomes. They will also cover engaging with 3rd parties including talent sourcing and controls around influencers.
We want this session to give WFA members the opportunity to find answers to their current concerns. WFA is now collecting questions from its members. Either pre-submit your questions or store them up – our panel will do their best to answer as many of them.
10am London | 5pm Singapore | Other timezones