
Veel 5 päeva kehtib -20% soodushind Ad Black Sea festivali tööde esitamisele!

Kuni 15. juulini saab veel kasutada soodushinda Ad Black Sea 2018 festivalile töödele esitamisel.
Töid saab esitada kümnesse kategooriasse, mis omakorda jagunevad ligi sajaks alamkategooriaks.

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Ad Black Sea festival toimub sellel aastal 20.-22.09 Batumis.

Dear friends!
Hurry up with your entries submission! There are only 5 days left before the First Entry Deadline which gives you a special discount on participation in the contest program of Ad Black Sea 2018. You have an opportunity to save 20%, so do not miss it.

The contest program of the fourth international advertising festival Ad Black Sea consists of 10 contests and about 100 categories.

You will be competing for the Ad Black Sea 2018 awards, for the opportunity to appear in the next AdForum Business Creative Report, for the chance to lead in the local creativity and craft rankings, for the recognition of your colleagues, envy of your competitors and proud of your friends.
All entries will be evaluated by top leaders and creative minds from the worldwide advertising industry, recognized for their achievements, awards from international festivals and well-known contests including Cannes Lions, and huge experience of judging.

It is worth recalling that there are quantitative and discounts for the industry associations. The more you submit – the less you pay! Entries are considered as submitted after the invoice request.
The fourth international festival Ad Black Sea will be held on September 20-22 in the Batumi, Georgia so plan your trips beforehand.
See you on the Black Sea coast!


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