Ürituste ja MICE ekspert Nadiia Shemiakina

  • Üritusturundaja
  • 14 aastat kogemust

WHO I’m?

I’m a person with the ability to analyze issues, devise continuous process improvements and incorporate business process initiatives to increase efficiency, streamline operations and decrease aggregate expenses with limited resources. My strong side is a good communication skill that help a building long-terms relationships with a client, business partners to mutually benefit all parties and creative side that able me to find innovative solutions to assigned tasks.

MY experience My long-term work experience (over 14 years) in event and MICE business got me a chance to organize hundreds of events with different quantity of peoples at all continents and the most remote parts of the world

I know MICE business from different sides:

Experience in MICE agencies got me understanding what a best supplier for the events is.
Experience from DMC got me understanding who a best buyer is.
Experience in Event companies got me chances to create unusual ideas for the excellent client’s party’s and conceptual trips.

I have been visited a lots of different industry exhibitions and forums, so I know how to organize a best one.

MY achievements the main value for me is the team and the people who work with me. Therefore, I consider the creation and training of one of the most professional teams in the Ukrainian market to be one of my main achievements at the last place of work

Full Nadiia CV
