Kutse seminarile „Cracking the Codes of Creativity and Innovation “ Yonathan Dominitz eestvedamisel
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Teisipäeval, 2. mail 2017 toimub Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu raadiomaja 1. stuudios praktiline seminar, mille viib läbi rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud loovekspert Yonathan Dominitz.
Yonathan on turunduskommunikatsiooni loovmõtlemise koolitaja, kes teeb koostööd maailma juhtivaimate loovagentuuridega ning esineb sageli rahvusvahelistel konverentsidel. Tema agentuuri Mindscapes’i tööriistadega on viimastel aastatel võidetud rohkem kui 25 Cannes Lõvi, nende seas ka kolm Grand Prix’d. Yonathan õpetab kasutama Mindscapes’i tööriistu, mis aitavad edukaid loovkampaaniaid kindlateks mõttemustriteks taandada ning näitab, kuidas saame ise neid samu mõttemustreid kasutama hakata.
Seminaril keskendutakse loovmõtlemise tööriistadele, kasutatakse erinevaid tehnikaid tulemusteni jõudmiseks.
Töö aluseks on maailmatasemel parimad praktikad.
9:00- 9:30 Kogunemine ja virgutav kohv
9:30-11:00 Hommikune sessioon
11:00-11:20 Kohvipaus
11:20-13:00 Päevane sessioon
13:00-14:00 Lõuna
14:00-15:30 Pealelõunane sessioon
15:30-15:45 Kohvipaus
15:45-17:00 Viimane sessioon
Koht: Raadiomaja 1. stuudio, Gonsiori tn. 21, Tallinn
Registreerimine ja küsimused saata kuni 24.04.2017 aadressil:
Seminari sisu:
Cracking the Codes of Creativity and Innovation
The Mindscapes tool kit for mastering innovation and creativity in communications
Make Your Case Stand Out
How to create winning case studies
for creative festivals
A one day Mindscapes masterclass
Part A: Cracking the Codes of Creativity and Innovation
It is believed that great creative ideas are those who break existing thinking molds. Yet, if looked through a different perspective one may reveal that even behind the most creative ideas there are some hidden codes which, when mastered, can give your team a leap forward in creating highly new disruptive ideas.
The Mindscapes thinking tools are created by hacking the most creative award winning ideas and decoding the recurring thinking patterns embedded in these ideas.
The tools are geared to direct the mind into specific creative thinking paths.
This masterclass examines some of the most awarded Cannes Lions winning ideas, while discussing the recurring patterns of thinking identified in them.
Based on these patterns, it will suggest a set of practical structured thinking tools geared to direct one’s imagination and creativity to create new breakthrough ideas and concepts.
Join this masterclass to learn and practice a set of practical tools for inspiring and leading your creative teams in the ideation process of cracking challenging creative briefs.
The tools:
During the sessions 3 Mindscapes creative thinking tools will be presented. Participants will be tasked to practice one of the tools and apply it on a creative challenge.
The Masterclass includes sessions of an exposition of a new tool, through a presentation of selected case studies of highly creative & effective ideas and campaigns following the same pattern; followed by short small team workout session, applying the new tool on a challenging task/brief; followed by a session of team’s ideas presentation and trainer’s feedback/comments.
The take-home value for participants:
Acquire practical tools to lead their organization in the process of ideation and creation of new concepts and new campaigns.
Learn a new process that inspires and fosters creativity, and at the same time, gives a clear direction for developing effective new ideas.
Create a structured process for stimulating new ideas by practical thinking tools enabling creators to direct their minds and imagination in clear directions, which prove to be highly fertile with new creative opportunities.
Part B: Make Your Case Stand Out
While an advertising campaign is meant to sell a product to consumers, a case study
is meant to sell the campaign to a group of short attention spanned advertising professionals. A case study is made with a separate brief altogether — to persuade an audience that understands advertising that your piece of work is brilliant. With a growing award-hungry population, getting that perfect case study has become more important than it ever was.
This session is designed to supply the insights and the guidelines into how to ensure a case study video stands out in the Award Show Scramble.
The Mindscapes team has a large experience gathered from various sources:
Analyzing creative patterns in thousands of case studies of award winning campaigns in the globe’s top creative festivals.
Being jury members on numerous international and local creative festivals in Europe and Asia.
Training dozens of creative agencies in four continents, and enabling agencies to create numerous award-winning ideas.
The Session’s objectives:
Present the key success factors behind winning and well-crafted video case studies.
Understand the mental and psychological mind set of international juries during the judging process.
Teach a set of practical guidelines to follow in the development of a case study.
Present the common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid in the process of the creation of a case study.
Supply the team with a set of tips and guidelines for the creation of case studies in the long- run.
Hand out material:
Each participant receives the Mindscapes tools app (see it here), with a free access to all the tools presented and practiced during the workshop. The app include case studies of campaigns, the logic/rationale of the thinking tool, a step by step procedure for implementing the tool, examples, tips and suggestions when and how to apply the tool in real life.
About Over the past years, more than 25 Cannes Lions, including 3 Grand Prix lions, were won by Mindscapes Trained Agencies, using our creative thinking tools.
Yonathan Dominitz
Founder of Mindscapes. A trainer and a leader of creativity enhancement projects in advertising, media, marketing and communications. Yonathan has personally conducted projects in numerous companies and leading global ad agencies He is a keynote speaker at numerous international conferences, creative advertising festivals (Cannes Lions, Eurobest, Dubai Lynx, Spikes Asia and more) and associations worldwide. He has over 20 years of experience working in senior positions in the advertising industry.
What do our clients say about this program? “Great experience and amazing learnings with Mindscapes and the creativity tools training. It changes your point of view and open doors to create better and memorable ideas. Thanks a lot :)” Siscu Molina, Partner/Chief Creative Officer at TIEMPO BBDO, Spain
“It was the best and the most inspiring training I have ever attended. Thank you.”
Matsumura, Creative Director, Beacon Communications- Leo Burnett, Tokyo-Japan
“Your training helped us a lot to develop for the first time a very coherent and structured understanding of how integration works, with a very strong input on digital, and provided us with the main psychological mechanism that trigger mass consumer involvement. I would go through that training once more just to make sure I didn’t miss anything.”
Dinu Panescu, Group Creative Director, McCann Erickson Romania